Glimmerscheiben + Warmeleitpaste fur TO220 (10st)

  • Obserwuj produkt:
  • Hersteller: AAVID THERMALLOY
  • Herstellerschlüssel: 56-77-11AP
  • komplett
  • Nettopreis: €0,98 / komplett €1,20 / komplett

Glimmerscheiben + Warmeleitpast, fur TO220


Property Typical Value 25°C
Dielectric Strength
.025mm to .076mm thick in air
(1 to 3 mils thick in air)
172 x 103 volts/mm (4500 volts/mil)
Dielectric Constant 6.5 to 8.7
Dissipation Factor 106 Cycles .0001 -.004
Volume Resistivity 1015 ohm-cm
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension 172 x 103 (25 x 106 psi)
Tensile Strength 310 MPa (45,000 psi)
Hardness Mohs
Comprehensive Strength 2.21 x 108 Pa (32,000 psi)
Specific Gravity 2.9
Thermal Conductivity: 0.528 Wm-1°C-1
(.30 Btu/hr.ft °F)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 3.24 x 10-5/°C
(1.8x 10-5/°F)
Specific Heat .084 KJ/Kg°C
(.02 Btu/Lb °F]
Melting Point 1275°C
Maximum Operating Temperature (1022°C) 550°C
Chemical Composition
Silica 45.4%
Alumina 37.5%
Potash 12.0%
Water 5.0%


Case Style A B C D F Thickness
TO-220 18.93 (.745) 13.84 (.545) 13.54 (.533) 5.38 (.212) 3.05 (.120)

.05/.10 (.002/.004)

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